Collection: JACKS beauty line

Location Germany
Category: Make-Up & Brushes

Hmm, you might be thinking, where can I find the JACKS beauty line products here in the webshop? Unfortunately, so far only in our shop in Neubaugasse in Vienna's beautiful seventh district. Nevertheless, we would like to introduce you to the brand here. We hope that one day we will be able to offer it to you online too. Keep your fingers crossed!

JACKS beauty line is: make-up artist and founder Miriam Jacks, co-founder Lisa Buchholz and more than 50 employees who, with their heart and know-how, drive the brand forward every day. Their goal: to create a brand that is approachable and authentic, that takes you by the hand and highlights your natural beauty without hiding it.
It was a coincidence and a happy destiny when Lisa came to Miriam and JACKS beauty line over seven years ago. Back then as support, today as a business partner and managing director. Lisa and Miriam are now both managing directors of JACKS beauty line. The two founders Miriam Jacks and Lisa Buchholz stuck together through thick and thin for many years before their big breakthrough came in 2020.

Miriam is the creative one in the team who determines the look and feel of the brand and develops the products as a make-up artist. Lisa thinks more conceptually, calculates and is the organizer that is needed to keep an overview of all the company's departments. Miriam takes care of public relations, while Lisa prefers to stay in the background. They complement each other perfectly. But in the end they decide everything together.
For a long time, the two of them managed JACKS beauty line alone, but now they have a large team of creative minds at their side with whom they can realize the dream of a sustainable company. The core values ​​that accompany them on their joint path to their goals are team spirit, creativity, transparency, professionalism, sustainability and authenticity.


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