Collection: Imse

Location: Sweden
Product category: Hygiene products
You may know the Imse brand as ImseVimse. Now Imse and Vimse are two separate brands, but with common roots and a common vision - to help make sustainable consumption the norm rather than the exception. Imse and Vimse offer functional and reusable hygiene products for women and children. Now Wow has Imse's great products for women. Imse wants to get involved and contribute to more openness and knowledge about menstruation and incontinence. The idea for Imse and Vimse was born out of a real need. When founder Marie Walleberg realized that cotton cloth diapers were the solution to her child's diaper rash, she decided to share this knowledge with more people. That was the beginning of what is now Vimse. Since then, reusable sanitary pads and beauty and cleaning products have been added. They form Imse. Many people choose disposable products without thinking much about the fact that there are other options. Or that these alternatives have financial, health and environmental benefits. She wanted to change that. Her contribution to this transition is reusable hygiene products. What both brands have in common is that they develop products that are kind to the skin and the environment. And beautiful to look at.